Guys, how’s your penis? Happy with it? Some wish theirs was longer, bigger, thicker, stronger… But what’s the truth about penis size?
The survey says…
Research on penis size is remarkably and surprisingly consistent in its findings. Studies undertaken in the last few years all consistently report one ‘average’ penis size. So what is it? ( Drum roll please )… 5.6 inches, or 14.2 centimetres if you’re metrically inclined.
To put that into perspective, the iPhone 5 is 4.87 inches in height, or 12.3 centimetres. So basically the average penis size is just a tad longer than your mobile.
Now that measurement is for the length of the penis. There are other measurements that can be taken such as girth, or size of the penis head. But let’s face it, in our society the strange obsession we have with penis size comes essentially down to penis length. It also measures erect penis length, so it doesn’t take into account those who are show-ers not growers.
Great (and unrealistic) expectations
The figure of 14.2 centimetres surprised me. I don’t know why. I guess for all the fuss we make about penis length, I was expecting the average to be well, a bit bigger. I also think it comes down to depictions of penis size not only in pornography, but in media in general. Look at any recent underwear ad and the bulge that most models are carrying looks superhuman. Thanks to the wonders of Photoshop, maybe it is.
Gay porn definitely sets an unrealistic standard for gay men. Apart from being fit and young, most performers are also hung. In some cases, very well hung. As it turns out though, these guys are the exception, not the norm. Porn serves a number of functions, fantasy being upon them. But it also plays a role in shaping how gay men perceive themselves, and their sexuality. Surely, there’s room in the industry to cater for men of varying penis sizes?
It turns out, there is! A little Googling led me to discover a subsection of gay porn not only featuring, but celebrating ‘average sized’ guys. It was actually really refreshing to see this. And these guys are just as hot, sexually desirable and attractive as any other porn model. After all, some straight guys like big breasted women, some prefer smaller breasted women. Why can’t the same be true for guys? Why can’t we celebrate and enjoy a wider variety of penis sizes?
I’d like to propose a reframing of the way we view penis size. Bigger isn’t necessarily better. While a lot of the appeal of a long penis is visual, it’s also not always practical. A long penis can actually be limiting. A friend of mine who happens to have a long penis has lamented that despite being blessed in the size department, there are certain things he can’t do with many guys. The fantasy and the reality of the situation are miles apart.
The long… and the short of it
There is no way to healthily and permanently extend or elongate a penis, without surgery at least. But what about all those spammy emails promoting pills, potions and all sorts of magic concoctions and ‘latest technology breakthroughs’? To that I say, don’t trust a business that relies on spam as a central component of its business model.
“Look at any recent underwear ad and the bulge that most models are carrying looks superhuman.”Yes, the penis can be stretched and pumped to appear enlarged. You can also wear a device known as a cock ring which wraps around the base of the penis. It’s designed to stimulate blood flow and keep the blood flow in the penis, making it look bigger. But these measures are temporary. As soon as you stop doing them, you stop seeing the results.
So, what about surgery? If women can get their breasts enlarged, surely guys can do the same with their penises. There are two main surgical options available, one to increase penis length, the other to increase girth. The length extension surgery involves dividing the hidden ligaments suspending the penis from the underside of the pubic bone. The effect of this is that it causes the penis to protrude up to about 4 centimetres (1.5 inches) forward. The girth surgery uses a process known as ‘fat transfer’, whereby fat from other parts of the body (generally around the abdomen) is injected under the penile shaft. This can result in an increase in size of up to 40%.
Both procedures come at a cost, and with risks. These risks include complications arising out of infection, compromise to penile circulation with possible skin necrosis and bleeding, as well as anaesthesia risks. Ultimately, the surgery doesn’t produce that drastic an increase. It’s not like you can double the size of your penis, you can just add a little bit more to it.
Whether you go down this route is obviously a personal decision. I don’t really have an opinion on it. Women get their breasts enlarged and we seem to accept that in our society. From that perspective, there should be a degree of equality afforded to men who choose to enlarge their penises. But at the same time, is all this cosmetic surgery masking unresolved self esteem issues? Would it perhaps be worthwhile to explore those first, and then consider surgery later?
Learn to love what you’ve got
It may not be easy to do (at least at first), but one of the best things you can do for the sake of your sanity and self esteem, is to simply accept what you’ve been given and learn to love it. After all, your penis has undoubtedly produced a lot of pleasure for you. Be kind to it. Set the expectation meter to ‘realistic’, see the beauty in what you have (hey, there’s no other penis like it) and embrace it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s long, short, skinny, thick, veiny or smooth – it’s your penis. It’s a part of you. But it’s only on part of you. It doesn’t have to be your whole world. And it doesn’t define you. Being a compassionate, caring, fun, explorative lover will lead you to a more satisfying, passionate and fulfilling sex life than a giant penis alone would ever achieve. So embrace your penis, whatever its size.
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