Friday, December 14, 2012

Tá/OK (2007) by Felipe Sholl (Brazil)

Two twenty-something boys in a public restroom. They sniff coke, talk about sex, get dirty. But the film takes on another tone as they reveal what it is that they really want.
Two boys in a public restroom. 2008 Teddy Award winner.
Short films don't always get the attention they deserve on some audience review sites, or from audiences in general, but often a short film can do in a matter of minutes something more entertaining and expansive than a feature film of much longer length. I feel that this film is such a work - the feelings, emotions, and desires of both of the characters are portrayed in both covert and overt ways, along with the joy, challenge and, at times, awkwardness of each young man's exploration of sex, sexuality and sexual preference. Simultaneously both frank and direct, and humorous and tender, the situation, action and interaction, plot and climax of the film are all developed in a way that was, for me, extremely entertaining and enjoyable. I look forward to further work from those involved with this film, which was screened in the 2008 Frameline LGBT Film Festival in San Francisco, as part of the "Worldy Affairs" program of short films.


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